Saturday, October 17, 2015

Favorite radio programs

Listed below I will have my favorite radio programs that I enjoy listening to & the people I enjoy listening to on the radio on my blog.

Lisa Anderson The Boundless Show WIHS 104.9 FM 11 AM every Saturday Mornings

Delilah Lite 100.5 FM

Lauren & Larry K-Love 106.9 FM

The Freddie Coleman Show on ESPN 97.9 FM

Mentioned above are my 4 favorite programs that I enjoy listening to on the radio. These programs help me stay positive. We all have a favorite program or programs that we listen that we feel that are fun to listen to. I have not called on any of the radio shows that have a toll free phone number that you can give your thoughts, opinions, or get advice because I would most likely be repeating the same things that the callers are saying & when it comes to get advice from Lisa, Delilah, or Larry & Lauren the advice that they give are spot on when people call their radio shows. If & when I call any radio show whether it's to give my thoughts & opinions or get advice the impression I want to give the host or hosts from my phone call is for them say that maybe this guy should be on the radio. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!

Encouraging others from long distance